Demonstration of a ∆∆Cq Calculation Method to Compute Thermo Scientific Relative Gene Expression from qPCR Data

30 Dec 2013

This technical note demonstrates the utility of a ∆∆Cq method for calculating Themo Scientific relative gene
expression and percent knockdown from quantification cycle (Cq) values obtained by quantitative real-time
PCR (qPCR) analysis in an RNA interference (RNAi) experiment. In this study, the human aldolase A (ALDOA)
message is silenced with the corresponding Thermo Scientific™ siGENOME™ SMARTpool™ siRNA. To
determine relative gene expression, probe-based qPCR is performed using Thermo Scientific™ Solaris™
qPCR Gene Expression Assays with cDNA synthesized from total RNA harvested from cell culture.
