
Determine 6PPD-quinone in aqueous matrices

6 May 2024

Tire degradation on roadways releases chemicals, including 6PPD, which forms the toxic compound 6PPD-quinone (6PPD-Q) when reacting with the ozone, posing risks to ecosystems and human health, notably affecting coho salmon mortality. The EPA's Draft Method 1634, released in January 2024, outlines the extraction and analysis of 6PPD-Q in water, utilizing an extracted internal standard (EIS) for concentration measurement and a native internal standard (NIS) for extraction efficiency. UCT, Inc. compares SPE extraction using UCT’s EnviroClean® cartridges, highlighting ECHLD156-P as showing the best results. Further, an optimized LC/MS/MS analysis method, using UCT’s SelectraCore C18 HPLC Column, displays sensitivity below EPA standards and meets method criteria for linearity and reproducibility.

