
Development of a universal preparative AEX method to purify oligonucleotides

12 Jul 2024

One of the most widely used modifications of synthetic oligonucleotides is the phosphorothioate modification of the oligonucleotide backbone, a process which can lead to impurities. Tosoh Bioscience presents a universal method for the purification of phosphorothioate oligonucleotides using TSKgel® SuperQ-5PW (20), a specially designed resin which provides high resolution and selectivity. This method is presented as a starting point in the lab to develop efficient large-scale preparative processes. Explore Tosoh Bioscience's recommended method for purifying oligonucleotides on TSKgel SuperQ-5PW (20): at elevated temperature, using a 10 mmol/L sodium hydroxide buffer at pH 12 and sodium chloride as eluent.

