Enriching targets to enhance your NGS data: Customized for any application

15 Jan 2024

In this application compendium, discover how Agilent Technologies has helped labs around the world to accelerate their assay development in multiple applications using custom and catalogue SureSelect panels. Recent improvements in the SureSelect panels include machine learning-powered probe design, dual-stranded oligo printing, and a new probe recovery process. Agilent's design and verification process allows labs to confirm custom panel designs before receiving target enrichment probes, saving resources. The Agilent NGS workflow includes nucleic acid quality control (QC) instruments, SureSelect library preparation kits, SureSelect target enrichment catalog and custom panels, and automation with the Bravo NGS workstation and Magnis NGS prep systems. With these integrated components, the SureSelect panels have played a key role in work that has led to thousands of publications.

