Evaluation of Feed Flow Geometry in Hydrosart® Cassettes with Protein Solutions

Evaluation of Feed Flow Geometry in Hydrosart® Cassettes with Protein Solutions

24 Nov 2015

Sartorius Sartocon® cassettes are available with the option of two internal flow geometries. Sartocon cassettes with “E” type spacers are designed for high protein concentration applications and for viscous products; while the cassettes with “ECO” screens are designed for protein concentrations less than 15% (150g/L) and for other products with low viscosity [<3cp (3mPas)]. With current mAb harvest targets of ≥5 g/L and increased use of subcutaneous dosages, protein concentrations often approach 200 g/L or more. It is therefore important to understand when to use each type of cassette and the implications. This evaluation demonstrates that “ECO” channel cassettes can achieve twice the flux at 2rd the feed flow rate of the “E” channel cassette.

