Evaluation of VACUETTE® K3EDTA and K2EDTA Evacuated Blood Collection Tubes for Viral Marker Testing

Evaluation of VACUETTE® K3EDTA and K2EDTA Evacuated Blood Collection Tubes for Viral Marker Testing

2 Dec 2015

In this application note, a clinical evaluation was carried out to compare the performance of the Greiner Bio-One VACUETTE® K2EDTA and VACUETTE® K3EDTA tubes to the Becton Dickinson Vacutainer® Glass No Additive, Non-Siliconized and No Additive Non-Coated Interior Tubes for viral marker testing. VACUETTE® tubes are used to collect, transport and process blood for testing serum, plasma or whole blood in the clinical laboratory. The tube contains spray-dried EDTA, yielding a ratio of 1.8mg/mL of blood when the evacuated tube is filled correctly to its fill volume. The EDTA binds calcium ions which blocks the coagulation cascade.

