Extraction of EPA Method 625.1 semi-volatile analytes from wastewater using the Biotage Horizon 5000, DryDisk Solvent Drying System and TurboVap II
10 Feb 2023The EPA has been monitoring organic pollutants within wastewater matrices since 1984 by developing their own methods and acceptance criteria. The basic, neutral and acidic extractions in EPA Method 625.1 are a part of the revised version of EPA Method 625. In this application note, Biotage shows recoveries of all the analytes within tables 1–2 of 625.1 and a few analytes from table 3 obtained using the Biotage® Horizon 5000 with Atlantic® 8270 One Pass solid phase extraction disks (P/N 47-2346-11), 8270 Carbon Cartridges Max-Detect cartridges (P/N 49-2620-01), and 1.0 Micron Atlantic® Fast Flow Pre-Filters (P/N FFAP-100-HS1) for analyte extraction. The DryDisk® Solvent Drying System and the TurboVap® II are used for solvent drying and concentration and analysis is by GC-MS.