
Florisil® SPE Cleanup for Chlorinated Pesticides Analysis

Florisil® SPE Cleanup for Chlorinated Pesticides Analysis

8 Jan 2016

This application note describes the use of Florisil® SPE cleanup for chlorinated pesticides analysis, prior to analysis with GC electron capture detection (ECD). Many chlorinated pesticides have been banned for use because of their short- and long-term toxicity, carcinogenicity, and environmental persistence. Although most of these chlorinated pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides have limited water solubility and mobility, they bioaccumulate and persist in the environment. Since there is an ongoing risk of exposure from a number of sources, it is essential to test soils, wastewater, and sediments for their presence. With Florisil® cleanup, extracts have lower backgrounds, producing better chromatograms with less interference. In addition, the lifetime of inlet liners and guard columns is extended, and maintenance of sensitive ECD detectors is reduced.

