Fluorescence Determinations Using the Extended Dynamic Range Measurement Option of the Synergy™ Neo2

Fluorescence Determinations Using the Extended Dynamic Range Measurement Option of the Synergy™ Neo2

10 Feb 2016

Research microplate readers used for low light measurements such as fluorescence or luminescence typically employ photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to amplify and measure the emitted light source. Readers use physical parameters such as probe z-height and well centering, along with collection time to optimize the signal collection. In addition to the physical parameters these devices also allow the researcher to alter the gain setting on the PMT as a means to increase or decrease the signal amplification. One of the more difficult concepts to grasp when converting an absorbance based assay to one that uses fluorescence or luminescence based detection is the selection of the gain or sensitivity settings associated with a PMT. This white paper from BioTek explains how to use the Synergy Neo2 for fluorescence determinations and optimize it’s extended dynamic range measurement.

