
GC column selection guide

15 Mar 2023

Choosing which chromatography column to install is perhaps the most impactful decision a chromatographer routinely makes. Since the separation of compounds by GC is governed by a molecule’s partitioning properties between the carrier gas and the column’s stationary phase, the careful selection of which column to use not only impacts chromatographic performance, but sample throughput and capacity as well. However, rather than considering whether a better column choice might be available, chemists might select whichever column type is most familiar, or simply whichever column is specified in a transcribed analytical method. Without considering whether there may be a more suitable column for the application, the chromatographer can never be certain whether they have maximized their instrument’s performance. In this column selection guide, PerkinElmer outlines typical applications for each column so that you can be sure the chemical makeup of your sample and the chemical makeup of your column are perfectly aligned, and details how column dimensions can be optimized for the best balance of analytical performance and speed.

