
GCMS & LC analysis of e-cigarette aerosols: How to overcome analytical challenges

In this guide, learn how to analyze and screen e-liquids and e-cigarettes for harmful substances using GCMS and HPLC

28 Feb 2023

Cigarette smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death worldwide. This public health crisis has caused many smokers to make the switch from using traditional tobacco cigarettes to e-cigarettes.

In this expert guide, find out how to effectively analyze and screen e-liquids and e-cigarettes for harmful substances, using state-of the art gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods. The eBook will introduce cutting-edge technology designed to accurately measure the concentration of chemicals contained within e-liquids and e-cigarettes, in order to save lives and reduce the risk of exposure to harmful chemicals.

This guide will also outline:

  • Key information about e-cigarettes and legal standards
  • How GCMS could be the answer to overcoming many analytical setbacks
  • How to effectively analyze carbonyl compounds
  • The effect of heating on aroma compounds
  • Using GCMS to investigate toxins

