Genomic STARlet: Reliable Automated Genomic DNA Isolation from Mouse Tails

4 Mar 2016

This application note describes the automated isolation of DNA from mouse tails and compares the results with a manual isolation process. Large-scale studies of genetic variations or transgene animal identification require parallel processing of a large number of biological samples such as tissue. Reliable handling of these samples and a suitable process control are essential for automating genotyping applications. Genotyping methods like restriction-, qPCR-, and SNP-analysis are widely used in research and diagnostics of diseases. DNA of high quality is required for a reliable analysis. Hamilton and MACHEREY-NAGEL have developed the Genomic STARlet to isolate DNA from different samples such as cells and tissues using the NucleoSpin® technology. This automation avoids contamination and leads to increased throughput, whilst ensuring consistency in tissue processing.

