High-quality lipid nanoparticle synthesis with the LNP 2-Reagent Click Chip and the Nadia platform

18 Jun 2023

In this application note from Do Bio a biotherapeutic delivery system called lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) is discussed. LNPs are nanoscale particles composed of lipids, known for their advanced capability to deliver biotherapeutics and active pharmaceutical ingredients into cells. LNPs can transport nucleic acids like mRNA, siRNA, and CRISPR components, as well as other small molecule APIs. Solid LNPs carrying mRNA have received significant attention, particularly due to their use in COVID-19 vaccinations. LNPs have potential in various biotherapeutic areas, such as infectious disease treatment, cancer therapeutics, and hereditary disease management. Microfluidic technologies, provided by Do Bio, offer precise control over LNP production. The combination of the LNP 2-Reagent Click Chip and Nadia Innovate system allows the production of high-quality LNPs containing mRNA.
