High Throughput Multi-Residue Screening of Drinking Water using the SPE-DEX® and Pegasus® GC-TOF MS
3 Feb 2016This application note discusses the use of the Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) for analysis of drinking water. SPE reduces the total analysis time compared to traditional techniques which use Liquid-Liquid Extraction (LLE). For this study the SPE-DEX® and Pegasus® GC-TOF MS from Horizon Technologies were used and the resulting data is presented.
AutosamplersGas ChromatographySample PreparationFiltrationMicrobiologySample ManagementEnvironmental Monitoring and TestingSolid-Phase ExtractionRobotic InstrumentsRobotic WorkstationsAutomation Supplies / AccessoriesAutomated Liquid HandlingFood and Beverage AnalyzersFood and Beverage ProcessingParticle Characterization