Highly Efficient ChIP qPCR Assay Kit for FFPE Samples

Highly Efficient ChIP qPCR Assay Kit for FFPE Samples

15 Sept 2015

In this application note, Chromatrap® introduces a new Formaldehyde Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) ChIP-qPCR Kit which overcomes the widely acknowledged shortfalls of the technique. Available in 96-well or spin column formats the new Chromatrap® FFPE ChIP-qPCR kit not only provides greater flexibility and more IPs per sample but is also proven to work well across a range of human and animal FFPE samples. Requiring 10x less starting material compared to traditional methods, the Chromatrap® FFPE ChIP-qPCR kit produces 4x better pull down than even the best competitive kits. The new Chromatrap® FFPE ChIP kit works equally well with high or low abundant marks and provides valuable data where the transcription factor loci are already identified.

