Imaging hippocampal microcircuitry using glass microperiscopes

17 Jul 2023

Multiphoton microscopy (2P) overcomes many of the limitations that conventional microscopy faces by being able to image deeply, quickly, and in 3D — providing compelling and useful data in a variety of disciplines. A combination of ultra-fast pulsed lasers, lenses with high numerical apertures, and highly sensitive detectors provide fast Z imaging and makes Bruker’s 2P technology a go-to technique for revealing dynamic biological processes deep within living tissues. Here, Bruker summarizes the webinar content it presented with Michael Goard, PhD., an Associate Professor for the Department of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology at UC Santa Barbara. His lab investigates the neural circuitry underlying perceptual, spatial, and cognitive abilities in the mouse cortex and hippocampus by using two-photon microscopy, microprisms, and microperiscopes.

