Improve your NGS and Enable Novel Applications with Engineered DNA Polymerases from Kapa Biosystems

27 Mar 2016

Using a number of case studies, this poster illustrates that engineered DNA polymerases are capable of providing better sequence coverage and are enabling novel and challenging NGS applications. The vast majority of PCR applications utilize a small number of wild-type DNA polymerases; improvements to existing applications and the development of novel PCR applications have primarily been realized via innovative changes to all of the reaction components except the polymerases themselves. Kapa Biosystems have engineered a new generation of improved DNA polymerases such as the KAPA HiFi. These are capable of robust amplification of diverse targets spanning a wide range of sizes and GC-content, and KAPA HiFi has demonstrated production of high yields with remarkably little amplification bias when used for NGS library amplification.

