KAPA™ SYBR® FAST qPCR Kits Mouse Genotyping

21 Aug 2014

This application note demonstrates the KAPA SYBR® FAST, which consists of qPCR Master Mixes containing the novel KAPA SYBR® DNA Polymerase. This product can be used efficiently to genotype mice directly from crude lysates, qPCR-ready lysates can be prepared in as little as 10 minutes. Combined with KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR protocols, mouse genotyping workflows may be significantly streamlined and turnaround times reduced to 1 hour. In addition, the engineered KAPA SYBR® DNA Polymerase is capable of amplifying much longer targets than wild-type Taq included in competitor qPCR kits, thus offering more flexibility in primer design.
