Key Steps for Successful Immunodetection Using the SNAP i.d.™ Protein Detection System

Key Steps for Successful Immunodetection Using the SNAP i.d.™ Protein Detection System

11 Nov 2015

The western blot is a powerful tool used extensively in protein research to detect and compare the relative levels of proteins without the need for their prior purification. Its widespread appeal is based on its overall simplicity, coupled with the high resolution of proteins separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) prior to membrane transfer. This versatile technique for the detection and characterization of proteins continues to develop with approaches that now enable more rapid electrophoresis, faster protein transfer, increased miniaturization, and higher specificity. This application demonstrates the use of the SNAP i.d. Protein Detection System has for immunodetection.

