
LC-UV-MS Peptide Mapping Development for Easy Transfer to LC-UV QA/QC

30 Nov 2015

Peptide mapping is one of several routine methods to characterize biopharmaceutical proteins. For research environments, this technique, if combined with mass spectrometry (MS), is utilized for the characterization and confirmation of the primary sequence of monoclonal antibodies. In addition, peptide mapping can help to identify, localize, and quantitate post-translational modifications (PTMs). Peptide mapping methods are often developed and evaluated with combined UV and MS detection, to simplify the transfer to routine environments where UV detection is used alone. In high-throughput workflows, peptide mapping experiments are performed for antibody identity confirmation, PTM characterization, and stability studies. In this work, the separation of peptides obtained from a monoclonal antibody digest is demonstrated with a LC-UV-MS setup.

