
Maximize throughput with multichannel liquid chromatography

8 Jan 2020

Download this applications guide to perform fast, efficient LC-MS/MS clinical analysis using multichannel LC and online sample technologies.

With traditional single-channel LC-MS systems, the mass spectrometer lies idle for significant periods of time as the samples are processed sequentially.

These methods do not utilize the detector during early and late parts of the chromatographic gradient, column wash and equilibration steps, reducing efficiency, increasing time and cost per sample.

In the eBook, we present the key benefits of using multichannel and online sample technologies in LC-MS systems to maximize throughput, and cover:

  • Quantitative analysis using two-channel LC-MS
  • Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Targeted forensic screening
  • Development of an SPLC/MS/MS method
  • TurboFlow chromatography

