Measuring the ADCC Reporter Bioassay, Complete Kit (WIL2-S) Signal on the GloMax® Discover System

Measuring the ADCC Reporter Bioassay, Complete Kit (WIL2-S) Signal on the GloMax® Discover System

14 Sept 2015

This application note describes the protocol for measuring luminescence using the GloMax® Discover System with the ADCC Reporter Bioassay Complete Kit (WIL2-S). Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) is a mechanism of action of antibodies through which virus-infected or other diseased cells are targeted for destruction by components of the cell-mediated immune system, such as natural killer cells. The GloMax® Discover System used in conjunction with the ADCC Reporter Bioassay provides an optimized bioluminescent procedure for quantifying biological activity on pathway activation by therapeutic antibody drugs in an ADCC mechanism of action (MOA) assay.

