Megaruptor® Genomic DNA Shearing for Large Insert Sequencing Library Preparation

Megaruptor® Genomic DNA Shearing for Large Insert Sequencing Library Preparation

23 Apr 2017

This application note describes the use of the Diagenode Megaruptor® for optimizing the library preparation procedure at Wageningen University, targeting very large DNA molecules used for Pacbio sequencing. The rapid developments of this third generation sequencing, resulting in continuously increased read length, require a reliable DNA fragmentation into large molecules. The benefit of these large DNA molecules is their ability to span repetitive sequences, which appeared to be crucial for de novo reconstruction of large and complex genomes. Using large hydropores, the researchers were able to evaluate target fragmentation size, fragment range, reproducibility and the ease in usage. The Megaruptor® proved to be intuitive, easy to use and to have a broad range of DNA fragmentation applications.

