Miniature VHS Solenoid Valves Play Significant Role in the Viability of 3D Bio-Printing of Human Cells

Miniature VHS Solenoid Valves Play Significant Role in the Viability of 3D Bio-Printing of Human Cells

10 Feb 2016

The rapid development of viable inkjet technology for highly specialized applications, such as printing human cells, continues to generate significant interest. If successful, the realization of this technology for specialized biological applications, generally known as ‘biofabrication’, has the potential to replace the long established (and often controversial) process of using animals for testing new drugs. However, there are many challenges to overcome to enable the successful production of a valve-based cell printer for the formation of human embryonic stem cell spheroid aggregates. This application note demonstrates the use of VHS solenoid valves in the 3D bio printing of human cells.

