
Nanomechanical testing of battery materials in controlled and inert environments

23 Jul 2023

In this application note, Bruker Nano presents experimental data on nanomechanical testing of battery materials in controlled and inert environments using the Hysitron® TI 980 IO TriboIndenter®. Continued development of rechargeable batteries is focused on increasing energy density, the total number of charge-discharge cycles, and safety while decreasing cost and weight. This requires new materials and innovations, such as solid-state batteries, that must undergo rigorous testing before being released into the production cycle. Failures of coatings, mechanical (or ion) induced swelling and stiffening, stresses arising from fabrication, and mechanical stresses and damage from multiple charge-discharge cycles pose significant challenges for new device development and integration. Thus, for both safety and performance reasons, it is necessary to understand how these devices perform mechanically, including each component at the appropriate size scale.

