
Nanoscale IR spectroscopy of organic contaminants

27 Jun 2023

Organic nano-contaminants are a serious defectivity issue for semiconductor and data storage companies where current characterization techniques have limited capabilities. In this application note from Bruker, learn more about the application of the nanoIR2-FS™ to the measurement of such defects. The nanoIR2-FS system is based on a scientific breakthrough technique of acquiring IR spectra at spatial resolutions down to sub 10 nm, enabling researchers to obtain nanoscale chemical fingerprints of their material. The spectra generated using Bruker nano’s patented AFM-IR™ technique correlate extremely well with traditional FT-IR spectra, and are thus comparable to standard IR libraries. In addition to chemical analysis, the nanoIR2-FS provides complementary mechanical, thermal, and structural property information with nanoscale spatial resolution.

