NGS: Best practices for sample homogenization

17 Aug 2020

The overall success of a next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflow is greatly impacted by the various sample preparation steps. Obtaining adequate quantity and acceptable quality of nucleic acids from the sample is highly dependent on the efficiency of homogenization.

In this application compendium, we present best practices for sample homogenization based on the protocols developed and tested by scientists. Applied across diverse sample types, such as biological tissue, food, and fecal samples, these methods demonstrate how high-quality, high-yield nucleic acids can be obtained by choosing optimized bead-beating homogenization protocols with Bertin’s Precellys homogenizers.

The eBook covers:

  • Robust and unbiased microbial RNA extraction workflow
  • MicroRNA expression profiling of individual rat hypothalamic nuclei
  • Transcriptomic analysis of cheese-ripening microbial communities
  • Microbiota analysis of fermented milk samples with NGS
  • Optimized protocol for viral metagenomics studies
  • DNA extraction from frozen tumor samples

