
On-Board Testing to Mitigate Cold Corrosion Damage

28 Jan 2019

The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 70) will lower the maximum allowable sulfur content from 3.50% to 0.50% effective January 1, 2020. For ship owners choosing to switch from High Sulfur Fuel Oil (HSFO) to Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (LSFO), it will be critical to have accurate sulfur levels of loaded fuel before leaving port to ensure regulatory compliance. The shipping industry is facing many challenges with increasing fuel costs and more stringent regulations. Many ship operators are planning to utilize slow steaming to help mitigate these challenges. Oceangoing vessels were designed to operate at 27 knots, but operators are learning that if they reduce speed to 18 knots it enables them to utilize their entire fleet as well as save money on fuel costs.

