Pathway to prescription: The Beckman Coulter DxM Trio

15 Mar 2023

In this application note, Beckman Coulter provides information on the DxM Trio system, designed to support antibiotic stewardship initiatives, and provide faster patient results. The DxM Trio brings the accuracy of the DxM MicroScan WalkAway system, the speed of the mass spectrometry with the Bruker MALDI Biotyper® system, and the efficiency of LabPro-MBT software.

The key highlights of this system includes:

  • Rapid ID generation within minutes with the largest organism library on the market using MALDI-TOF technology
  • Cybersecurity threat protection with heightened security features across the platform from LabPro v5.0 and Windows 10
  • Seamless ID integration with AST results with sophisticated middleware using LabPro-MBT or HighFlexX v2.9

