Performance of CleanNGS in next-generation sequencing

10 Mar 2023

Next generation sequencing (NGS) allows for the generation of robust information on the genetic diversity of organisms at the single cell, organ, species or population level. To perform an NGS experiment, users must prepare a sequencing library from a purified nucleic acid sample. Magnetic beads have many uses within NGS workflows. In addition to nucleic acid isolation and purification, magnetic beads are also used for size selection in NGS library preparation and library normalization. With emerging NGS technologies, there is an increased need for NGS library purification methods providing accurate results starting from low input amounts of DNA and/or RNA. Since CleanNGS (CleanNA) can be automated, as well as being used manually, it can be adopted in any NGS laboratory independent of sample throughput. In this poster, CleanNA compares the performance of CleanNGS in DNA cleanup versus two equivalent magnetic beads based kits.

