Properties of Laccase Mediated Sugar Beet Pectin and Fractionated Sugar Beet Pectin

Properties of Laccase Mediated Sugar Beet Pectin and Fractionated Sugar Beet Pectin

7 Feb 2017

This poster proposes a method for the characterized selected fractions of SBP by multi angle light scattering. SBP (Sugar beet pectin) is well known as good emulsifier due to presence of protein and ferulic acids. Ferulic acid in SBP is potential substrates for laccase, an oxidative enzyme, and laccase catalyze formation of SBP homo-conjugates. Using isopropanol fractionation, Fraction 1, which precipitated at the lowest isopropanol concentration, had greater protein and ferulic acid, and Fraction 4, which precipitated at about 40% isopropanaol, showed the best emulsion stability; Fractions 1 and 4 were selected to characterize in this study.

