Purification of Amplifiable Nucleic Acid from Oil Palm and Rice Leaves and Seeds Using the Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant DNA Kit

Purification of Amplifiable Nucleic Acid from Oil Palm and Rice Leaves and Seeds Using the Maxwell® 16 LEV Plant DNA Kit

12 Jan 2016

This poster evaluates a novel cellulose-based paramagnetic particle technology to purify nucleic acid (NA) from Elaeis guineensis (oil palm) and Oryza sativa (rice) plant leaf and seed lysates in an automated format using the Maxwell® 16 System. Plant NA purification provides a variety of unique challenges due to the broad diversity of plants, their extracellular structures, and endogenous compounds (e.g. polysaccharides, phenolics) that can co-purify with NA and inhibit downstream enzymatic assays. Extracted NA were evaluated for yield and amplifiability in qPCR and RT-qPCR, and the data collected supports the broad utility of the novel cellulose-based technology and Maxwell® 16 System for automated plant NA purification.

