
Purification of DMT-on oligonucleotides using HIC resins

16 Jul 2024

Dimethoxytrityl (DMT), a 5’ protecting group, is used in the synthesis of oligonucleotides to temporarily mask the characteristic chemistry of a 5’-hydroxy functional group. In many preparations of delicate oligonucleotides, DMT may be left on an oligonucleotide following synthesis to give stability to the molecule during subsequent processing. Tosoh Bioscience highlights a novel, effective and high recovery method for the purification of a DMT-on oligonucleotide. The effective removal of a DMT-group from an oligonucleotide in a single purification step is also described. Discover how hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) can be applied in the purification process, using TOYOPEARL PPG-600M, Phenyl-650M and Butyl-650M HIC resins.

