Quantitative analysis of cannabinoids in urine and oral fluid using reactive PS-MS for forensic toxicology

20 Jun 2024

Chromatographic mass spectrometry methods are considered the gold standard in forensic drug testing due in part to their high sensitivity and selectivity. Unfortunately for many confirmatory tests, extensive sample preparation steps and lengthy run times are required for adequate analysis. Paper spray mass spectrometry (PS-MS) is a potential alternative mass spectrometry method featuring negligible sample preparation, rapid analysis, and adequate sensitivity and selectivity.

This technical note from Thermo Fisher Scientific demonstrates sensitive and accurate quantitation of THC in oral fluid and THC-COOH in urine, through PaperSpray MS with the VeriSpray ion source, while avoiding lengthy sample preparation. It also finds that sensitivity is dramatically increased using Fast Red RC derivatization alongside reactive paper spray mass spectrometry.

