
Separate and Purify Pharmaceuticals and Small Biomolecules, Using Polymeric RPLC Resins

Separate and Purify Pharmaceuticals and Small Biomolecules, Using Polymeric RPLC Resins

28 Dec 2015

This application note describes the use of polymeric reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) resins in the separation and purification of pharmaceuticals and small biomolecules. Amberchrom resins bring unique advantages to small molecule separation and purification procedures. They are frequently the only materials that can remove specific compounds from the eluant. Excellent physical, chemical, and thermal stability makes these materials highly versatile. High performance RPLC is the technique of choice for analyses of small molecular weight compounds (<20,000 Daltons) in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and biochemical research. Traditionally, silicabased packings have been the most commonly used sorbents in RPLC. For proteins and peptides, however, the unique properties of resin-based packings (e.g., physical and chemical stability) have been used to advantage in many applications.

