Single-molecule localization microscopy - Beyond the coverslip

18 Jul 2023

Traditional microscopy methods have been used for imaging biological organization but are limited to a lateral resolution of ~200-300 nanometers. Single-molecule localization, a super-resolution microscopy approach, allows for high-resolution imaging of specifically labeled biological samples at a resolution of 20 nanometers laterally. Here, Bruker Fluorescence Microscopy summarizes the presentation given by Lauren Gagnon, Applications Scientist for Bruker’s super-resolution microscopy solutions. Presented here are the advantages and principles of single-molecule localization. Also, the unique benefits of the Vutara top-hat illumination and bi-plane technology, as well as the multiplexing capabilities supported by the microfluidics unit, are discussed. Finally, examples of imaging a variety of sample types and popular applications of single-molecule localization microscopy are presented.

