ResourceLife Sciences
Streamline PCR and qPCR workflows with automated liquid handling
28 Sept 2022
qPCR is a very versatile technique with many applications, however, it is also very sensitive and therefore requires accuracy and precision in liquid handling in order to reduce technical errors, cross-contamination, and yield reliable data.
In this free eBook, we present a number of high-throughput sample preparation methods for synthetic and molecular biology applications, and explore how automation in liquid handling can transform the throughput, accuracy, and reliability of qPCR and nucleic acid normalization in different laboratory workflows.
Download your free copy of the eBook to discover solutions for:
- Ensuring sample integrity in qPCR
- Optimizing qPCR master mix dispensing
- RNA normalization for qPCR
- DNA normalization for qPCR
- Streamlining plant RNA extraction for RT-qPCR
- Standardizing RT-qPCR workflows for SARS-CoV-2