Streamlining metabolomic analyses with automated derivatization and injection workflows

5 Jun 2024
Dora Wells
Clinical Content Editor

Metabolites, the dynamic molecules reflecting cellular processes, hold the potential for understanding health, disease, and biological systems. To unlock this potential, metabolomic analyses require precise and reliable analytical methods.

This application note explores the workflow of the Metabolomics Core Technology Platform (MCTP), a core facility of Heidelberg University (Germany), discussing their semi-automated analysis for untargeted metabolomics and ¹³C tracing studies via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Discover how the MCTP‘s automated derivatization process enhances the reliability of results, while their flexible workflow accommodates diverse biological sample types, including plasma, serum, urine, feces, tissue samples, cell culture and supernatant. Learn about the crucial role of sample preparation, the advantages of a two-step derivatization protocol, and how automation streamlines workflows for optimal instrument efficiency and high-quality metabolomics data.

