Studying human cortical organoids in the mouse retrosplenial cortex with two-photon imaging and electrophysiology

18 Jul 2023

Here, Bruker Fluorescence Microscopy presents research from Madison Wilson and Martin Thunemann. Organoids are becoming an increasingly useful tool to study various neurological phenomena. Recently, a collaboration between neuroscientists and engineers at Boston University, University of California San Diego, and Salk Institute successfully integrated human cortical organoids in the adult mouse retrosplenial cortex. Two-photon (2P) imaging showed vascularization of the transplanted organoids and electrophysiology recordings showed a response to visual stimuli. For this study, Madison Wilson and Martin Thunemann share first authorship and both are excited by the implications of their collaborative study on evaluating the development, maturation, and functional integration of human neuronal networks within the mouse brain.

