The Advantages of EIA with Improved Sensitivity for the Detection of Low Concentrations of HBsAg in Samples with Markers of HCV, HBV or HIV Infections

20 May 2014

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic advantages of the high sensitive EIA for the detection of low concentration HBsAg in the plasma/serum samples reactive for HIV, HBV and/or HCV markers and to characterize HBV specific serological profile of the HBsAg-positive samples containing markers of other infections. DS-EIA-HBsAg-0.01 (CE0483) is the assay for HBsAg detection and confirmation with sensitivity 0.01 IU/ml (Second International Standard for HBsAg subtype adw2, genotype A, NIBSC code number: 00/588).
