Ultimate guide to automated cell counting

Transform your lab work with an award-winning new solution backed by scientists worldwide

7 Dec 2020

Cell counting is a standard laboratory procedure that is routinely used within many experimental workflows, from life sciences to medical diagnostics. Conventional equipment in many labs, manual cell counting is operator-dependent and widely recognized as laborious and time-consuming with the potential for interpersonal differences in cell recognition, along with volume, dilution, and pipetting errors. Automation has been introduced to address these issues by removing subjectivity, generating rapid results, and providing precision, compliance, and consistency. Nonetheless, automation is not without its challenges, so careful consideration should be given when seeking out the best instrument for your applications.

This application eBook presents a comprehensive guide on how to easily optimize cell counting processes with state-of-the-art technologies, introduces a cell counting tool that offers flexibility via various slide formats, explores how to simply analyze and categorize cell populations, illustrates how to count peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from whole blood samples, and also highlights how the LUNA-FX7™ Automated Cell Counter can satisfy all of your cell counting needs for use in general and bio/pharmaceutical laboratories, as well as GMP facilities. Download it free today for expert insight on topics including:

  • Counting cells: Is there a better way?
  • All your counting needs in one
  • The quest for optimal precision
  • The importance of cell size
  • CAR T: Monitoring cell health and viability
  • Monitor cell health and growth with precision
  • PBMCs: Optimize counting and viability
  • Meet the LUNA™ family: Tools for success

