
Ultra Low Sulfur Analysis in Petroleum Process Streams Using MWDXRF

17 Feb 2019

Tougher regulations are challenging refiners to produce higher quality products while trying to maximize efficiency. In the last decade, national regulators in places like the US, Europe, China, and India have implemented or plan to implement requirements for total sulfur in gasoline and diesel levels as low as 10 ppm. Increased hydrotreating and modifying crude slate are some of the levers that can be pulled to help lower sulfur levels in finished products. Hydrotreating catalyst life depends on the feed and operation of the unit. Increased monitoring will be critical in meeting these requirements and maximizing efficiency. Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF) has proven to be a fast, easy, and precise method to measure sulfur in hydrocarbon streams. In order to meet these lower sulfur levels, refineries must invest in new or upgraded equipment, modify operations or a combination of both. Regardless, it will increase the cost of producing diesel and gasoline.

