
Utilization of GC-TOFMS and Automated Sample Derivatization for High-Throughput Workplace Urine Drug Testing by SAMHSA Guidelines

30 Mar 2011

In this application poster the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) mandated guidelines for workplace drug testing were used to analyze the cocaine metabolite benzoylecgonine, and the heroin metabolite 6-mono-acetylmorphine in urine. GC-TOFMS analysis was conducted with the LECO TruTOF HT (GC-TOFMS) for the analysis of the two drug metabolites in urine. Calibration curves were developed with a linearity of 99% for both drug metabolites. Ion ratios for specified qualifier ions were used to confirm analyte verification along with full mass spectral library search match identification.

