Search results for "eppendorf"
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MMI CellCut
How the human microbiome impacts health and disease
This special feature explores the impact of the human microbiome on disease development and highlights the latest innovations driving microbiome research
Enhancing laboratory efficiency: The power of automated liquid handling
Next-generation vacuum technology improves efficiency and sustainability
Dry screw pumps for cleaner, greener labs
The complete guide to stain-free Western blotting
How to build, manage, and analyze your plasmid library
Optimize your strategies, streamline your processes, and keep your research at the cutting edge of scientific discovery
Advance T cell therapies with non-viral CRISPR
Cresset creates new vice president role to lead their discovery CRO business
Experienced commercial leader to lead strategic expansion of Cresset's molecular modeling expertise and solutions
Growing peptides in Flare
Designing and optimizing peptide sequences for targeted drug development using Flare
Torx Software Limited unveils molecule life cycle platform
Advancements empower chemistry teams in DMTA cycle
Unlocking efficiency in drug design
New 'ready-to-use' recipes in Flare Python cookbook expedite molecule triage
Customized force field parameters using a hybrid DFT//GFN2-xTB approach
Flare redefines simulation accuracy through quantum mechanics and tailored force fields
Cresset unveils breakthrough in SARS-CoV-2 inhibitor identification
Leveraging Flare FEP for precise binding predictions
Latest release of Cresset molecular modeling platform delivers improved efficiencies
Seamlessly integrate ligand and structure-based techniques