Search results for "peristaltic pump"
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DA Cooler
DC Norris & CompanyDCN glycol jacketed cooling vessels are designed for the cooling of a wide range of food products, including soups, stews, sauces and preserves and can be integrated with a range of other equipment including D C Norris kettles, vacuum trolleys and bratt pans.The DA Cooler and all of its components are manufactured completely in stainless steel in the UK.Features: Standard sizes are 300–750 ltr (custom sizes made to ord…
FL1701 Recirculating Cooler
JULABO GmbHRecirculating Cooler/Chiller for environmentally friendly cooling
AccuTOF™ DART® 4G Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
JEOL USAThe AccuTOF™-DART® 4G is an atmospheric pressure ionization, high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer (API-HRTOFMS). This robust and versatile mass spectrometer provides solutions for a wide variety of fields with interchangeable atmospheric and ambient ionization sources.
FlowSyn Continuous Flow Reactor
Uniqsis LtdFlowSyn - Making Flow Chemistry Simple FlowSyn is a fully integrated continuous flow reactor with everything you need to start doing flow chemistry including reaction optimization, synthesis and scale up. To provide maximum flexibility, a wide range of mixer and reactor options are available as well as additional modules for performing multiple experiments, or sub-ambient chemistry. • Ability to perform continuous flow chemist…