Search results for "eppendorf"
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Azure imaging systems
Multiplex shouldn't be complex
Checklist for quantitative Western blots
Densitometric analysis of protein gels
Quantitative Western blotting basics
New cation trap column workflow improves uptime for anionic contaminants testing of industrial waters
The Thermo Scientific Dionex CR-CTC III application workflow offers cost-efficient trace-level analysis
bioMérieux receives De Novo FDA Authorization for its BIOFIRE Joint Infection (JI) Panel
The BIOFIRE solution is a U.S. FDA-cleared and CE-marked closed multiplex PCR and fully automated system that integrates sample preparation, amplification, and detection
Fast Racking, Less Packing, Quality Tips
Fully integrated automated Bligh and Dyer extraction
Sapphire Biomolecular Imager brochure
ES-20/80 Orbital Shaker-Incubator
Automated fatty acid analysis according to AOAC 996.01
Phosphor imaging with the Sapphire Biomolecular Imager
uSPE Workflow
Azure Biosystems Sapphire™ Biomolecular Imager
Beta testing the new CellMek SPS Sample Preparation System
SelectScience speaks with Tampa General Hospital to hear their first impressions of this innovative system for clinical flow cytometry labs
Leica Biosystems unveils compact dual-retort tissue processor to transform histopathology workflow in Europe
Solution addresses processing quality challenges faced by mid-volume labs
Dotmatics solution for antibody discovery streamlines data collection and workflows to accelerate antibody research
Full integration of data management platform with market-leading software applications provides a unique end-to-end solution for antibody discovery
Revolutionizing quat pesticide determination and quantitation workflows to protect food supply
The Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac CS21 ion exchange column enables reliable, accurate, and compliant food safety analysis