Search results for "AlphaScreen™"
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Fully automated PCR systems for scalable RUO SARS-CoV-2 detection
LGC Biosearch TechnologiesKeep up with fluctuating testing demands in an economically viable way due to minimized labor costs enabled by automated sample processing, amplification, and data analysis workflows.
Sciclone® G3 NGS Workstation
RevvityThe Sciclone ® G3 NGSx workstation is a complete benchtop solution for the automated construction of up to or greater than 96 libraries per day.
Fluent® Laboratory Automation Workstation
TecanTecan has reinvented automation with the Fluent Laboratory Automation Workstation, a unique instrumentation concept built around the application-specific needs of your laboratory. Fluent breaks new ground, delivering more capacity and increased speed. It provides superior precision, throughput and walkaway time, making it easier to get more done, more confidently.
Rethink what is possible: Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer
Resistant Starch Assay Kit
MegazymeThe Resistant Starch Test kit for the measurement and analysis of resistant starch in plant materials and starch samples.
QSight® Triple Quadrupole LC/MS/MS
PerkinElmerMaximized uptime and confidence with the PerkinElmer QSight Triple Quad LC/MS/MS