Search results for "diaphragm pump"
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Schott looks to KNF Flodos for pump technology
Adept CE 4100 High Pressure Analytical HPLC pump
Cecil Instruments LimitedPulse-free microprocessor controlled isocratic analytical pump.
Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Dual Pump F
Thermo Fisher ScientificObtain maximum application flexibility including Dual LC, Tandem LC or LC-MS, and Inverse Gradient workflows using the biocompatible Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Dual Pump F. This pump provides two independent ternary-solvent blending flow streams in one housing. Our built-in Thermo Scientific™ SmartFlow™ pumping technology automatically compensates for changing eluent compressibility ensuring excellent flow and gradient preci…
Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Quaternary Pump F
Thermo Fisher ScientificExtend the capabilities of the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC platform by adding all the flexibility you can expect from a state-of-the-art quaternary solvent blending. The biocompatible Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Quaternary Pump F incorporates our SmartFlow™ pumping technology, which ensures excellent flow and gradient precision, independent of eluent composition and backpressures up to 1034 bar. This gives you unrivale…
Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Binary Pump H
Thermo Fisher ScientificDeveloped to offer more pressure capabilities than ever before, the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Binary Pump H comes without any tradeoff on durability and robustness. From ultrafast to extremely shallow gradients at pressures up to 150 MPa, the industry-leading fourth generation Thermo Scientific™ SmartFlow™ pumping technology of the Vanquish system always provides you with unmatched retention time reproducibility and the low…
Agilent 1290 Infinity II Bio High-Speed Pump
Agilent TechnologiesThe 1290 Infinity II Bio High-Speed Pump is a binary UHPLC pump consisting of biocompatible material for use in biopharma and other applications utilizing high salt and extreme pH conditions. It uses high-pressure blending from up to two solvents at pressures up to 1300 bar and flow rates up to 5 mL/min.
Easy-fit Peristaltic Pump Tubing for ICP-MS
Agilent TechnologiesAgilent provides a range of Easy-fit peristaltic pump tubing for ICP-MS, in suitable materials for your sample and matrix. This includes robust long-life drain tubing and high purity uptake tubing. Including materials such as PVC, SolvaFlex and Ismaprene to meet your application needs including aqueous, organic solvent or HF resistance. The Agilent ICP-MS features an on-board peristaltic pump that controls the flow of solut…
TwisTorr 305-IC Turbo Pump with Integrated Controller
Agilent TechnologiesThe TwisTorr 305-IC turbomolecular pump with integrated controller is capable of communicating with the Vacuum Link app on your smartphone via near-field communication (NFC).