Search results for "scroll pump"
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ASX‑7400 Autosampler
Teledyne LabsA highly adaptable autosampler platform capable of high precision and difficult operations
Bioprinting human tissue for the regeneration of organs and modeling drug interactions
Minimate™ Tangential Flow Filtration Capsules
Pall Life Sciences - Laboratory, Food, BeverageStreamline laboratory-scale concentration, desalting, and buffer exchange processes. Plug-n-play design. Plug in a Minimate TFF capsule, add sample, and turn on the pump to start processing. The Minimate TFF system includes all the hardware, tubing and fittings needed to get your TFF process up and running quickly. High concentration factors. The low system working volume achieved through the use of a conical bottom reservoi…
Labfors 5 for solid substrates and enzymatic bioprocesses
INFORS HTThe bioreactor for a variety of enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation types. Equipped with a very powerful motor for optimum mixing, even if the viscosity is high or the starting material contains a large amount of dry matter.
PYREX® 105° Angle Vacuum Connecting Adapter with 14/20 Joints
Corning Life SciencesWith tubulation of 10 mm O.D. for attaching to a vacuum pump or to inner and outer standard taper joints. Includes a drip-tip on the inner tube.