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Bionano Prep kits™

Bionano Genomics

Bionano Prep Kits™ provide the critical reagents and protocols needed to extract and label high molecular weight (HMW) DNA for use on the Irys ®  and Saphyr™ genome mapping systems. Bionano kits are optimized for performing Bionano genome mapping applications on a variety of sample types.  

|1 Review

Eppendorf DASGIP® Parallel Bioreactor System


DASGIP Parallel Bioreactor Systems for R&D and process development in both cell culture and microbiology allow for advanced bioprocess control and automation. Parallel processing, precise control of all relevant parameters, user-defined profiles and innumerable automation features result in accelerated and highly efficient process development. Our DASware software solutions support DoE, process historians and comprehensive…

|2 Reviews